全球十大网赌正规平台计算机科学副教授 Ewa Syta 获得了著名的富布赖特大学奖学金.S. Scholar award for 2024-25 to conduct research in her native country of Poland.
的 富布赖特项目—led by the United States government in partnership with more than 160 countries worldwide—offers international educational and cultural exchange programs for passionate and accomplished students, 学者, 艺术家, 老师, 和各种背景的专业人士一起学习, 教, 或者从事重要的研究和专业项目.
与研究人员合作 波兰国家研究院(NASK) 在数字事务部的监督下, Syta plans to develop a long-term strategy for the implementation of a digital identity wallet for Poland. “This is a critical component of the EU’s initiative to create a universal digital identity ecosystem, w在这里 electronic transactions can have the same legal validity as traditional paper-based transactions,赛塔说.
In 2014, the European Union introduced the Electronic Identification, 认证和信任服务(eIDAS)法规, aiming for secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, 个人, 公共权力机构. “Digital identities are one of the major challenges of the digital age; when transacting online, 信任很重要,但很难建立,赛塔说. 新eIDAS 2.0法规是对eIDAS的全面改革, promising to create a universal digital identity ecosystem for the EU.
eaudi钱包, 完全由用户控制, would “hold” the identity and entitlements comprised of verified information from different sources, Syta说. “带着一个eaudi钱包, a user could securely prove their age without revealing any other information included in their ID, 比如他们确切的出生日期, 照片, address, 等.她说。. 虽然EUDI钱包的概念有明显的好处, Syta表示,这也涉及隐私问题, 所以立法是安全的, 隐私, and compliance requirements put the control of personal information entirely in the hands of the individual.
的 development of this tool could have a tangible impact on society, 赛塔说这是她很期待看到的. “It’s powerful to take research work and apply it in practice. 作为一名教授, 我经常写作和发表论文, but this gives me the added ability to bring the results to the public她说。. “的 long-term objective of my research is to bring cutting-edge cryptographic techniques to real-world applications to shape tomorrow’s digital world.”
该研究项目还旨在进一步促进多样性, 股本, and inclusion (DEI) goals by focusing on closing the tech gender gap through cybersecurity action activities in partnership with NASK’s DEI team, Syta补充道.
In related work on Trinity’s campus, Syta recently co-hosted the 第二届CT网络安全女性大会, a collaborative initiative by 全球十大网赌正规平台 and CT State Community College. This event gave more than 50 students from both institutions the opportunity to learn from professionals in academia, 行业, 以及政府对网络安全领域的关注.
Cybersecurity focuses on protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. 的 field benefits from a wide range of skills and perspectives and offers diverse career paths and opportunities, 但却面临着严重的人才短缺, Syta说.
的 program on March 22 program featured a mix of talks on cybersecurity topics, 比如漏洞管理, 自愈网络, 现实世界的安全, 以及关于职业道路的讨论, 职业建议, 还有和演讲者交流的机会, 赞助商, 专业的职业顾问 全球十大网赌正规平台职业与生活设计中心,以及其他与会者. Among the speakers were representatives from the event’s 赞助商 (混合路径, Fortinet, CrowdStrike,和 U.S. 海军),以及全球十大网赌正规平台和康涅狄格州立学院的学生 & 大学. 了解更多关于该活动的信息并查看更多照片 在这里.
“I aim to do more than just conduct research in Poland; my goal is to deeply engage within the community, 创造有意义的联系和交流,赛塔说. “As a Fulbright scholar, my role extends beyond academic pursuits. 这个项目希望我们成为文化大使, fostering understanding and mutual respect among different cultures.”
Syta chose to conduct research in Poland for professional and personal reasons that will ultimately allow her to give back to her home country. “After earning my degree in 2007, I was able to permanently join my parents in the U.S.从那时起,我就一直住在那里. 作为一个波兰人, my language skills and understanding of Polish culture will facilitate a smoother transition她说。.
专业, Syta sought a project that aligned with her long-term research objectives and provided an avenue to leverage her expertise for a meaningful and lasting impact. “With my understanding of Poland’s socio-political context, I am uniquely positioned to ensure that we not only build a technically sound solution, but one that genuinely addresses the needs and preferences of the Polish people她说。.
“就个人而言, 我很荣幸能拥有一个有价值的职业, 很大程度上是因为有许多了不起的老师, 教授, 和我的导师. I am grateful to now be able to pay it 向前 and to help bring about change for other women in technology,赛塔说.
的 10-month grant period is from September 2024 through June 2025. 她在波兰的时候, Syta plans to involve Trinity students in her research work at NASK and to invite Trinity faculty members and students to participate in online events.
Syta说 the project supported by her Fulbright grant will allow her to grow both as a researcher and an educator. “This opportunity will provide me with valuable insights into software engineering practices and emerging technologies, 使我能够开发全球十大网赌正规平台的应用课程, 哪些是我们的学生非常感兴趣的她说。. “As an expert in my field, my perspective has been predominantly academic. 然而, applying my research in practical settings will provide insights that will shape my future projects, paving the way for greater success ahead and bringing me closer to meeting my long-term research objective of addressing real-world problems with significant impacts.”