通过课堂内外的各种各样的经历, 今年的毕业生都追随自己的兴趣,走出了自己独特的道路.
毕业典礼即将来临, several senior Bantams reflect on their most memorable academic 和 extracurricular opportunities, 他们在学院的时光如何帮助他们为接下来的工作做好准备, 以及他们对现在和未来全球十大网赌正规平台学生的建议.
物理 和 工程 双学位
家乡: Tecomán,科利马,墨西哥
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 物理学生学会, 活动支持学生工作者, 教学助理, 游戏运营员工, 国际学生学者办公室 全球十大网赌正规平台拳击俱乐部足球俱乐部实习生
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
我首先想到的是我的第一份工作,作为事件支持的一部分. 我有幸参与了全球十大网赌正规平台的所有活动, 和 that meant that I got to know a lot of people 和 enjoy a lot of different kinds of events, 除了帮忙经营他们. 我的老板也很棒,我真的觉得有人在照顾我, 不仅仅是作为一名学生工作者, 也是作为一个人. 他是我在这里的第一个深刻的联系,成为我真正可以信任的人. 在学术上,暑期研究是我非常喜欢的事情. I got to experience Trinity in a different way 和 explore the city during the summer. 这让我有机会把大部分时间投入到我喜欢的事情上, 这就是物理, 了解更多我特别感兴趣的话题.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
我很高兴我的教育是跨学科的. I came here to do chemical engineering; however, I eventually realized that I had other options. 事实上,我可以选修其他课程,这导致我选修了物理课程, 最终说服我去追求我真正想做的事情, 哪个是我追随我童年学习物理的梦想. Getting the chance to learn in other classes unrelated to STEM is something that I really value. Of course, the technical 和 problem-solving skills that I have are going to be useful. 然而, the ability to appreciate the complexity of things is what I think is going to be the most valuable. 它将帮助我在生活的其他领域胜任,成为一个更完整的人.
It’s very interesting to explore everything that Trinity has to offer because there is actually everything here. 通过我在事件支持部门的工作经验, I know that there is something that each student can find 和 will really enjoy here at Trinity. Exploring 和 getting to know all the things Trinity has will help everyone feel more at home.
Anahit Avagyan
心理学 主要
家乡: 纽约市
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 男子篮球队
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
我在全球十大网赌正规平台最难忘的学术经历就是修这门课, 与心理学教授合作的《全球十大网赌正规平台》 劳拉·J. 霍尔特的00. 我们深入研究了许多物质使用障碍的根源, 与之相关的柱头, 还有很多不同的治疗方法. 在我们的一篇论文中,我选择了参加嗜酒者互戒会. This was an extremely eye-opening 和 valuable experience because it showed me the importance of having multiple types of therapy due to individuals’ different temperaments, 生活经验, 亲密的关系.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
In the classroom, the psychology 主要 has deepened my interest in becoming a licensed therapist. I found a true interest in learning different strategies that could potentially help individuals with a wide range of issues. 在篮球场上, the trust that my coaches 和 teammates have instilled in me has helped me to grow into a player 和 leader I never imagined I could be. 在他们的帮助下, I have opened the possibility of being able to play professional basketball overseas in the future.
全身心投入你所做的每一件事. 的re are so many opportunities on or around campus to find what you are interested in. 一旦你找到了你想要的,就全力以赴. 看看你能在这方面做得多好. You do not want to leave this place having regrets about what you could have done or who you could have become. Use all the resources to the best of your ability 和 become the best possible version of yourself that you can.
政治科学 和 人权研究 双学位
家乡: 萨顿,马萨诸塞州
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 三一电影节 活动协调委员会成员, 马术队副队长, 年度社区活动人员(ACES)成员, 职业与生活设计 实习生, 社区服务和公民参与办公室 学生工作者,学生反对大规模监禁的成员
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
One of my most memorable opportunities at Trinity was my time as co-captain of the equestrian team. 超越胜利, 早起的马显示早晨, 我们都热爱这项运动和它的马, something I will miss most is the immense system of support we’ve built over the years inside 和 outside of the arena, 新老会员.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
我在全球十大网赌正规平台的学习和生活让我产生了交集, interdisciplinary learning experience that has set me up for success in my postgraduate journey. 通过学术追求和研究机会, I have been able to see how varying human rights issues heavily shape 和 inform an individual’s legal issues. 从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业后,我将搬到华盛顿特区.C., to work as a coordinated intake 和 referral navigator under the District of Columbia’s new Coordinated Intake 和 Referral System, 这对D.C. 居民可通过单一电话号码或网站获得法律援助. 我非常兴奋能与CIR团队一起为, 保护, 并投资于最未被充分代表的人的权利, 贫困的, 以及被边缘化的地区成员.
充分利用全球十大网赌正规平台提供的所有不可思议的资源! Be persistent in nurturing relationships with professors 和 alumni; they have offered me indispensable wisdom through their passion for teaching 和 making a positive impact on students, 他们以我无法形容的方式激励和支持着我. 参与 in the campus community; there are so many clubs doing important work on this campus that need those passionate about social justice to carry their mission 向前. 最后,永远不要停止探索哈特福德! 有很多令人难以置信的组织, 餐厅, 和 activities that I will miss dearly once graduating that I wouldn’t have found otherwise if I hadn’t pushed myself to try new things.
政治科学 和 戏剧与舞蹈 双学位
家乡: 印度孟买
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 高级招生助理他是该协会的首席写作助理 写作中心, 国际房屋组织的联合主席, 戏剧、舞蹈和政治学系的助教, 国际学生导师, 住宅顾问
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
成为国际大厦的主席. 过去四年我一直是全球十大网赌正规平台的会员, 作为一名国际学生, 对我来说,国际学生在这个校园里的生活是有基础的,这一点很重要, 受保护的, 被照顾. That experience has definitely changed how I perceive the world 和 how I carry myself on campus. 即使是我在写作中心的工作 招生, I’m constantly championing international students 和 making sure that we have a voice in decision-making.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
我选了两个截然不同的专业:戏剧和政治学. 你通常不会认为它们相交, 但我觉得所有的戏剧都是政治性的, 所有的政治在某种程度上都有戏剧性的一面. That very premise has led me to do my theses, which are really rooted in these ideas. 我的戏剧论文是一篇政治性很强的文章, 我的政治学论文是一篇非常戏剧化的文章, 我讲了很多全球十大网赌正规平台如何执行政治的内容. 我绝对认为他们影响了我对生活和工作的看法. 我打算从事与社会公正和艺术有关的工作, 并可能攻读博士学位.D. 通过社会学的视角来看待表演研究和社会行动主义.
相信自己. It’s very easy to come to college 和 question what you’re doing or change your mind about things based on what other people are doing or thinking. But Trinity, 和 I would say college in general, is meant for you to build your own path. 真正挑选让你快乐的东西. 确保你所做的是对自己最好的,而不是从众心理. 不要因为别人不冒险就害怕冒险. Take that jump; somehow it could end up being one of your highlights of college!
Abdelrahman Nassar
计算机科学 主要
家乡: 开罗,埃及
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 穆斯林学生会主席,男子壁球队队长
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
Some of the most memorable academic 和 extracurricular opportunities I found at Trinity were joining different clubs 和 meeting new people that inspired me in so many different ways. Being part of various student organizations allowed me to explore interests outside of the classroom, 担当领导角色, 并与那些分享我的激情的人建立联系. 的 friendships 和 connections I made through these activities truly enriched my Trinity experience.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
在这些成长的岁月里, 我明白了,重要的是你吸取了多少教训, 你遇到的形形色色的人, 以及你一路走来建立起来的韧性. 具有挑战性的课程锻炼了我的批判性思维能力. 与教师导师的接触提供了宝贵的指导. 克服困难教会了我勇气和毅力.
保持适应力,因为大学将以多种方式考验你. 时光飞逝,所以要充分利用每一个机会. 最重要的是,趁你还能享受这里的时光. 参与, 建立有意义的关系, 走出你的舒适区, 拥抱这段经历的方方面面. 这将是你一生中最重要、最难忘的几年.
Yves Semana Gisubizo
政治科学 和 国际研究-全球研究 双学位; 社区行动 小
家乡: 马萨诸塞州的波士顿
全球十大网赌正规平台的活动、俱乐部或运动: 全球十大网赌正规平台黑人妇女组织, 多元文化事务委员会 (MAC)、校园气候事件应变小组、招生处 多元化及无障碍小组
What academic or extracurricular opportunities at Trinity did you find most memorable?
的 academic opportunities at Trinity that have been most memorable were when I got to study abroad in Sweden 和 Italy. 的 国际研究课程 和 自习室 在为学生提供获得全球视野的机会方面做得好吗. 虽然我已经远离了全球十大网赌正规平台, 我仍然得到了家庭顾问的支持, 导师, 教职员工.
How did your time 和 studies at Trinity influence or support your plans for the future?
My professors at Trinity were not only flexible in writing me letters of recommendation for whatever opportunity I wanted to pursue, 但他们也深深鼓励并致力于我的成长. 我是否在找法学院, 奖学金, 或者研究生课程, my professors were kind 和 compassionate throughout; although, I’m sure I stressed my professors 和 advisers out 和 even caused a few gray hairs!
不要害怕参与其中! 加入俱乐部,在《全球十大网赌正规平台》上申请一份工作——走出你的宿舍.
Maddie Hengerer ' 26和Andrew J编辑. Concatelli. 照片由Nick Caito提供. 视频由维·杜恩和海尔德·米拉拍摄.